cgi-bin capabilities are not automatically enabled on user accounts. You must send a request to for access. You may determine whether or not cgi-bin has been enabled on this account by issuing the following URL, substituting your loginid for the word "myname": cgi-bin scripts and programs must be executable. The permissions on such files must be set "755". In your cgi-bin directory, type the following command: chmod 755 * This will ensure that all files in this directory have the correct permissions. Any time you add a new program/script to your cgi-bin directory, you must run the command above to ensure correct permissions. Please note that perl scripts must be uploaded via ASCII, not binary. Perl scripts will not work if uploaded using binary transfer mode. WCO does not provide any technical support services for cgi-bin beyond ensuring that your cgi is enabled. The test-cgi script is your assurance that cgi-bin has been enabled for your account. Please do not call our offices or write to our support email account for help with cgi-bin beyond the issue of fuctionality, as determined by the above test-cgi script. There are vast resources on the internet for learning how to do cgi-bin, and how to debug your code. Please employ these resources. The usenet newsgroup comp.infosystems.www.cgi has a wealth of information on this topic.