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MacTCP and MacPPP Setup

Step 1: Check File Locations.
Before we begin, verify that the files MacTCP and ConfigPPP are located in your Control Panels folder. The file called PPP should be in your Extensions folder located in the System Folder.

Step 2: Selecting PPP from MacTCP.
MacTCP Screen 1 Locate your MacTCP in your Control Panels and double click on it. Yous should see a screen like the one on the left. If your ConfigPPP is in the right place then you should be able to select PPP in the upper window. Once it is highlighted, click the More button at the bottom of the window.

If PPP is not an available choice and you know that it is installed on your system, then you will must make sure that it is in the Control Panels. Try doing a File - Find search for "PPP" from the desktop to find the locations of any copies of ConfigPPP.

Step 3: Configure MacTCP.

After clicking More, a window should appear that looks like the one below. Change the settings in your window so that they match these.

If you're having trouble changing the Gateway Address, try selecting Manually in the Obtain Address section. When you have the proper number entered into the Gateway, change the Obtain Address selection back to Server.
MacTCP Screen 2

Step 4: Locate and Begin Configuration of ConfigPPP.

ConfigPPP Screen 1 Once MacTCP is set up, it's time configure MacPPP. Unlike MacTCP, MacPPP is freeware. You can download it from the WCO FTP site. There are several variations on MacPPP, such as versions for very high -speed lines. Most should use the standard 2.01 version. The information here should work for most version once you get past the cosmetic differences.

Once ConfigPPP is loaded it should display a screen that looks similar to the one on the left. Don't worry just yet about making your screen look exactly like ours. Click on the New button at the bottom of the window.

Step 5: The ConfigPPP Modem Screen.

ConfigPPP Screen 2 Change your screen to look like the one on the right. Consult the WCO Phone Number List for the local number to enter in the Phone number section. Don't forget to enter the phone number!. ConfigPPP won't function without it.

Once you are finished here, click on the Connect Script button at the bottom of the screen.

Step 6: Entering the Connection Script.

Make your Connection Script screen look like this one, except replace "your_login_name" with your login name, in all lower case, that was provided to you when your account was created. Also replace "your_password" with the password you requested on the signup sheet. Click on OK when your are finished.
ConfigPPP Screen 3

Step 7: Authentication Screen
MacTCP Screen 4 You will now find yourself back at the ConfigPPP Modem Screen. Click on the Authentication button at the bottom of the screen.

You need to make sure that the Auth. ID and Password fields in this screen are left blank. Click OK when you're done.

Step 8: Check LCP Options

Click on the LCP Options button to bring up the screen below. Again, make your settings look like these. If you notice that your connection is slower than you think it should be, try changing both Max Receive Unit settings to a lower number (296 is a go od start). Under normal circumstances, these settings should not be changed from the ones below. Click on OK when you are done.
ConfigPPP Screen

Step 9: Check ICP Options

Click on ICP Options at the bottom of the ConfigPPP Modem Screen to bring up the window below. Change your settings to look like ours. Take special care to assure the the IP Address are set to and not When you're finished click on OK.
ConfigPPP Screen 6

Step 10: Finishing Up

When you're done with the four buttons at the bottom of the Modem Screen, click on Done to return to the starting ConfigPPP screen. It's a good idea at this point to close ConfigPPP and restart your Mac so all the changes you've made can take effect. When en you're ready to connect to West Coast Online, launch ConfigPPP and click on the Open button. Once the connection has been established, you can run any Internet application such as Netscape or Eudora. Happy surfing!

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